Founding Principles

We will encourage God’s best for your life. We believe God has a plan and purpose for your life and that His plans are best. Through biblical truth, our desire is to build a community of women who are confident in God’s love, courageous to overcome their fears and failures, kind to one another, bold to tell their story, steadfast to serve, and eager to give.

At COURAGEOUS & KIND, our community isn’t filtered or photoshopped. When you see photos and read articles, they’re authentic and transparent. It’s time to “get real” and tell real stories because we are real women with wonderful and messy lives.

We want to promote purpose, stewardship, and hope.

  • Purpose: We were each designed for a God-given purpose.

  • Stewardship: We have been entrusted with time, talents, and treasures for this lifetime. May we steward those well and care for those around us.

  • Hope: We have to believe that “this” isn’t all there is to life. In a crazy and broken world, there’s more to life. And, we believe the “more” is Jesus Christ.

Our prayer is for women to be victorious over emotional strongholds and addictions. We desire restoration for the broken and abused and freedom for the captives. We hope to foster a community of women who are kind and faithful, build each other up, and celebrate others’ success as a result of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We want women to be strong, courageous, and compassionate leaders.

Lastly, we want to build healthy families, home, neighborhoods, and communities to foster a sense of generosity regardless of our circumstances. We believe that with the power of the Holy Spirit and your involvement, we can.