Take Back The Truth Study Guide


Take Back the Truth

The best way to fight the fear and worry is with Scripture, God’s holy and infallible Word. It has the power to change our hearts and minds (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible says the Lord will guard our hearts and minds with perfect peace when we trust Him (Isaiah 26:3). The way to trust the Lord is to know the Lord - to believe that He is our Hope and Saving Grace in this life. Then we have the power through Jesus Christ to exchange the lies and hurts of this world for His peace and hope.

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all under understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Let's make a statement to Take Back the Truth! Take time to read the Truth (God's Word) about your life in Christ and do the exercise on page 6 of the Study Guide of replacing your lie for God’s Truth. It is a powerful practice that can transform your mind and thought life when done over and over again. Ask God to help you change and make a transformation in you!

Don’t forget to listen to the Take Back the Truth Bonus Episode on the C&K Podcast!

Mental health is at the forefront of many conversations and everyone seems to be searching for the best wellness plan on the market. At The Courageous & Kind Project, we believe the best way to fight the fear and worry is with Scripture, God's holy and infallible Word.