C&K Podcast Feature Interview: Jessica Wuerffel

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Introducing Jessica Wuerffel, our C&K featured interviewee.

We’re excited to share her COURAGEOUS & KIND story with you!

Jessica Wuerffel is a wife and mother of three who is a new homeschool mom. She’s a personal and group fitness instructor who went to school for social work and took a vow of poverty. She had one set of plans and God had another. 

She’s in a season of life where she’s learning how to be a teacher in her own home to be an example of love and kindness. Jessica is in the middle of creating a space to pause for a second and find the balance in life that’s best for her family. Within that space, she talks about fighting the lie of “all or nothing” as it doesn’t truly have to be both or either. 

Jessica also encourages listeners to really see and notice the people in front of us. 

She reminds us that God sees you. He made you as a unique and own person; not the shadow of someone else. Your role is to be you! You are not made to be a copy of mimic of someone else. God created you to be you. You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) and it’s time to live where God created you to be right now. He will do special things in those places that might feel scary because He is right there with you. 

To the girl who feels invisible, we see you. God sees you. Jess’ favorite Bible verse, Matthew 25:40 says just that, “Jesus said,“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Don’t miss what God is doing right in front of you. 

You can follow Jessica on Facebook at @FitnessWithJessW  

Interview Footnotes: The story of Hagar in the Bible is found in Genesis 16. 

The book Jessica meant to reference the book: “Let’s all be Brave” by Annie F. Downes instead of Lisa Jo Baker.