C&K Podcast Feature Interview: Jessica Kujawski

Introducing Jessica, our C&K featured interview. We’re excited to be back sharing a COURAGEOUS & KIND story with you!

An interview of God’s faithfulness to provide no matter where you are in the world!

At the time of Jessica Kujawski’s interview, she was stationed in Okinawa, Japan, and is now back in the United States! She is a military spouse, mama to three, and school teacher turned world explorer! Jessica and her family have been stationed all over the world from the Carolinas to California and Japan!

Jessica encourages us to trust God’s faithfulness and look for His provision in our lives. In the interview, she recalls how God has placed the “right people at the right place ” at every single duty station. Each time the Marine Corps has moved her, God has given Jessica and her family the right neighbors for that new city, the right church for a community of Christian encouragement, and the right mission and focus for her time and talents for that season of life.

She also talks about how major changes can change our hearts. She says that it becomes an opportunity for us to constantly seek God and fix our eyes on Him. When we do that, we are able to see how the Lord is leading us. We can also look for God’s work around us by finding the blessing in our circumstances. 

From Jessica’s experience as a military wife, she can testify that God’s plans are far better than her own. With each new military base and duty station, she recognizes that God has given her an eternal perspective when she stepped out in faith to say “Yes, Lord”, we will go and has received a blessing from God in her obedience. She also knows firsthand that God will equip us to do His work when we are obedient to what He has called us to do.

Jessica wrote an article “Grow where You are Planted” about making the most of where God has us in each season of life. 

When we asked Jessica about her favorite Bible verse, she said Romans 8:28 has been a theme verse throughout her life , “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” 

Jessica is a frequent contributor for C&K, where you can find her articles in the C&K Fall/Winter 2020 Magazine, the C&K blog, and upcoming “Courageous & Kind Women of the Bible ebook. Be sure to check out her post, “Sharing God's Faithfulness & Timing in the Emergent” on the C&K Blog.